Thursday 14 February 2019

Winter Skin Solutions

Winter Skin Solutions:

The cold and windy wintertime is ahead of us and that can mean dry, flaky, and irritated skin. The majority of clients who wish to hydrate their skin are not sure how and when to use a serum as opposed to a cream; the overwhelming amount of moisturizers on the market can cause much confusion. With the correct professional treatments and targeted homecare, winter skin can be glowing, moisturized, and healthy!

First of all, there are some wonderful treatments that go hand in hand with winter, when the sun is not as bright and days not as long. While collagen facials can hydrate and replenish moisture, there are some specific treatments that can be added to a spa’s menu for the winter season. Many clients suffer from hyperpigmentation, varicose veins, and unsightly hair, all of which require a series of treatments. The best time to start clients on a series of six is while we are still in the cold, winter months.

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